The Florida Condo.
Hello once again. This is Debbie Bulloch, your fearless blogger and ABC Homes sales representative "sans pareil." (That’s a French phrase. It is not that I think that I am unique, though some people may disagree; it is just that I am learning French and my French teacher, Monsieur Arcabulle Odriscoll insists that I practice ALL the time – Mon Dieu!). But enough about me.
ABC Home Sales is proud to bring to you two new and exciting homes. One is the Florida Beach Condo, the other is the Miami Mansion. And if you look closely, you will notice that there is a central theme running through these two wonderful new homes.
Can you guess what that theme may be? Come on…is not all that hard…do you need a hint? Well, if you open a map of the U.S.A. and look at the East Coast, specifically Florida, you will see that Miami is in Florida. (Yes, I know there is a Miami in Ohio, but that was not the original inspiration for the Miami Mansion). So we have a FLORIDA condo and a MIAMI mansion. See the pattern?
These two wonderful new homes are the real deal! I had the good luck (or misfortune, depending on how you feel about the state that brought us the term “hanging chads”) of living in Miami for a brief period of my life. While in Miami I met some wonderful people, ate great food and spent time dancing the night away to the beat of Cuban conga drums! Ay que rico chico!
During the time that I spent in Miami I had the opportunity to visit many of Miami’s famous neighborhoods, like Miami Spring, Coral Gables and South Miami Beach. I can tell you that after having seen many examples of South Florida architecture, these two new home offerings from ABC Homes are the real McCoy! Either of these new homes would fit in perfectly in any of Miami’s best neighborhoods. And guess what? Either of these two homes will fit perfectly on your parcel of SL land. At ABC Home sales we are specialists at making dreams, your dreams, come true.

As you approach the condo, the first thing that you will notice are all the windows. There are big windows all over! Unless you are a mushroom and prefer cold, dark and damp places, this home’s light and airy style will simply grab you. Look at all these windows and now imagine yourself sitting in the Florida Condo’s living room, drinking daiquiris and looking out the window and onto a beautiful, white sand beach – your own beach! Can life get any better?
Now come with me and let’s go right inside.

The friendly ABC Homes sales representative leads you upstairs to the master bedroom.

After you and your honey are through having fun, you can both step outside

What impresses potential customers from the first time they lay eyes on the Florida condo, and continues to impress them as they walk through the condo, is the attention to every potential detail. And what is really impressive is that all of this is available with a low prim count (54 prims) and extremely competitive price ($1000L). ABC homes has built its reputation on offering just what the customer wants: quality homes with a low prim count and for low prices. The Florida Beach condo is no exception.
At this point in the tour, may I offer a suggestion? It occurred to me, as I walked through the condo, that this is a perfect structure for a home-office set up.

I have seen many homes successfully converted into an office-home combination. Having your office downstairs from your living quarters could dramatically cut back on your commute time. Well, I KNOW we don’t worry about commute time in SL (we can fly or TP anywhere we want). Still it is a nice point to consider. I have a very dear friend who converted the Swiss chalet that he purchased at ABC into a home-office combination. SanPaul Held (who is a lawyer in RL and in SL) set up his law offices on the first floor of the Swiss Chalet.

Well, that is all for today. Please stay tuned for my next article, where I take you on a magical, mystery tour through the Miami Mansion. Also, please be on the look out for future articles featuring ABC’s exciting summer line-up of new homes and other products. I think that you will simply be amazed at the homes and other products that ABC has lined up for you--our loyal customer. ABC Home is growing and as we grow, we will be able to make even more dreams come true.
Now for the “technical” stuff:
House/Build name: The Florida Beach Condo
Base Size: 20 x 20 meters
Prim count: 54 prims
Full Mod/ Copy / NO Transfer
Min. Lot size: 1024 sqm
PRICE: $1000 L
1) Single control panel for all the window tinting and door locks!
2) Notecard inside control panel for adding residents to your home access list!
3) Indoor stairs go UP! and go DOWN! with one single CLICK.
4) Large, second floor deck off main bedroom!
5) Custom placement of your home is available for only $100 L
Debbie Bulloch
May 14, 2008