Howdy fellow in-world residents. Today I will continue my series of posts highlighting one particular ABC home. Today’s spotlight shines brightly on the Las Vegas model.

The Las Vegas is another one of ABC’s full featured executive-type homes. The Las Vegas model comes in two different versions. The “standard” version comes with a beautiful spiral staircase leading to the top floor. The TP version does away with the staircase, thus saving prims and giving the buyer more floor space. Like every ABC home, the two versions of the Las Vegas are full copy and full mod (in case you missed my explanation of these two terms in my earlier posts I will explain them later on this post). All the windows are tintable for privacy (there are four tint levels). The doors in the Las Vegas model, like the doors in all other ABC homes, can be locked so that only you and your closest friends can gain access to the house’s interior. Both versions are designed for a 4096 sq. meter lot and both are valued priced at only $6000L.
I first came across the Las Vegas model as an ABC customer. An old friend of mine and I were walking around the ABC lot, just looking, when we saw the Las Vegas model. We went inside and right away were impressed with the sheer size of the home’s interiors. The Las Vegas features three levels of living space: an entry, foyer level, a middle level and the upper level living quarters. My friend and I climbed the beautiful winding stairway and went upstairs. When we made it to the upper level we were both greeted by what I think is the Las Vegas finest feature: a huge indoor pool and full featured hot tub. My friend and I sat by the edge of the pool and looked at the stars through the Las Vegas glass ceiling. The SL moon and stars were such a beautiful sight, that we both completely forgot that our shoes were getting soaking wet. LOL
Right then and there I decided that as soon as I bought a bigger parcel I would buy a Las Vegas model of my own. Sure enough, as soon as a nice corner lot became available I bought the parcel and marched down to ABC Homes to buy the Las Vegas model. Fortunately for me, Dawn Islander

was running a special Wheel of Fortune promotion on all ABC homes purchases. This is how the promotion worked: after buying and paying for a house, the new owner would go to the Wheel of Fortune, pick a number, spin the wheel and watch for his number to come up. If the wheel stopped at the exact same number chosen by the buyer, the home was 100% free. If it landed on any other number, the buyer would get a percentage back, off the purchase price, equal to the number that came up on the wheel. I am not very lucky when it comes to games of chance, so I did not get the home for free. But the number that did come up was high enough that Dawn ended up refunding me a big percentage of the purchase price. (Dawn and ABC Home Sales often run promotions designed to help customers buy their dream home. Right now ABC Home is running a very popular lucky chair contest. Look for new announcements on this blog! )
Soon as I bought the house, Sales Manager Mickey Geest, rezzed the house on my land and voila! in a matter of minutes I was the proud owner of a new, luxurious home.
Now let me take you on a room-by-room tour of my home so that I can demonstrate to you some of the finest features of the Las Vegas model and so you can see an example of the fine products sold by ABC Homes. Please ignore the mess; I gave the maid the week off. (Just kidding, I don’t have a maid.)
The first thing one notice when entering the Las Vegas model is the beautiful foyer. The marble floors are very impressive, as is the wall separating the entrance area from the other side of the ground level. In my particular case, I use the diving wall to separate the two areas. I also use it to place some artwork. One ABC customer took the entire middle wall down and turned the entire ground floor into one huge dance floor, complete with colored lights and a full featured bar! Because all ABC homes are fully mod (there goes that term again, full mod means that the owner of the house can change any of the interior features, move walls, delete stairs, whatever he wants to do in order to customize his own home) deleting walls is an easy task and houses can be changed into any interior configuration. Of course, if he homeowner is not comfortable with his build skills, we have builders who are fully capable of doing custom work.
On the other side of “the wall” (any Pink Floyd fans here?) is my living room area. Attached to the wall is my big screen HDTV. I may be just a girl, but I know exactly what guys like: a big screen TV to watch sports!

Let me pause here to explain a very special feature made possible by the Las Vegas multi-level design. The Las Vegas, like many ABC homes has big windows all around. In RL I live in So. California, the land of eternal sunshine, so I love houses with lots of big windows. Of course, one drawback of having too many big windows is the potential lack of privacy.

The ABC home tint system works just fine to let in light or secure privacy. But in the Las Vegas home all the windows are tied to the same tinter system. This means that if you want the windows “closed” in the living room, then ALL of the windows are closed. I didn’t like cutting out light to portions of the house just to have privacy in one area. Fortunately for me, the multi-level design of the house made it easier to install separate tinter systems. As you can see from the attached photographs of the outside of my home, you can tint down the windows on one section of the house, while leaving the rest of the other windows wide open. Let the sunshine in!

Next, let’s move over to the mid-level. In my particular Las Vegas home I use the middle level area as my music room. I love piano music, so that is where my piano is. Please note how the windows are open in this section of the house. With the separate tinter system that I previously mentioned, I can sit and play my piano and look out the window at the beautiful ocean while the windows in other areas of the house are closed for privacy.

Remember at the beginning of this post I mentioned that Las Vegas home comes in two versions, one with a spiral stair case and one with a TP system? My own model came with a spiral staircase. Now if you look at the second picture of the mid-level area you will see a nice area rug with two comfy pillows - that is where the staircase used to be. I had it removed and look at the extra floor space that I gained. With the full-mod feature included in all ABC homes you can customize your house to better serve your needs and tastes.
I think I will stop the tour here. On my next post I will show the upper living area, including my bedroom (no peeking under the sheets please!). You will also see the Las Vegas piece d’resistance: the indoor pool, full scripted hot tub and outdoor terrace. Please stay tuned for the next installment. Thank you.
Debbie Bulloch
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