Hello, my name is Debbie Bulloch and as you probably know by now, I am a sales representative for ABC Home Sales. In Part One of this post I related my early home buying experience in Second World (SL). Now I will go into what makes ABC Home Sales a leader in customer service.
Great customer service is a key feature of the home buying experience at ABC HOME Sales.
It all starts with the customer’s first visit to the ABC store. Upon arriving at the ABC teleport point a prospective customer will find one of our helpful sales persons: Mandy Marksman, Lysa Chaffe or myself, ready to greet the customer. Even our Sales Manager, Mickey Geest, spends a great deal of his time at the ABC store, waiting to assist customers.
Upon arriving at the ABC store the customers will be greeted with a friendly: “Hello!” or “Hallo!” or “Hola!” or even “Bonjour!” from one of ABC’s multilingual salespersons.
After the initial greeting, the customer will be asked if he or she is looking for a home to purchase. If the answer is YES, then the staff member will ask several questions to determine the customer’s needs. Questions such as: “How big is your parcel?” “Is your parcel oceanfront?” “How many prims do you have available?” and “What style of home are you looking for?” are the kind of questions that may be initially asked in order to best determine the customer’s needs and desires.
Once the preliminary information is obtained, the next step is to tour the ABC store. The sales representative will show the customer houses within the range of the customer’s parcel size and his or her tastes in home architecture and features. This way the customer does not waste valuable time looking for homes that will not fit his land.

Sometimes customers cannot decide on one specific style home but do not want to buy several homes. Well, the sales representatives at ABC are ready to help. All of us maintain in our personal inventory many of the homes sold at ABC. If a customer wants to see how a particular style home will fit on his land, the sales representative can rezz, right on the customer’s land, a model of the home the customer likes. The customers can then see and feel how that style home will fit in his land. If the customer does not like it, no problem! The house can be de-rezzed and a different model rezzed in its place. The process can be repeated until the customer finds just the right house. This is a service that no other home seller in all of SL offers. Yes, sometimes it takes a great deal of time to rezz and de-rezz houses for customers. But the end result is a happy customer and a happy customer will not only tell his friends, but will also return for repeat business.
Customer service does not end at the point of the sale. ABC Home Sales offers, for a minimum fee, installation services. ABC homes come with easy-to-use rezzer boxes. But many customers are not comfortable with the idea of installing a house (I know I was very nervous the first time I rezzed a house). To take the anxiety out of the buying process ABC's well-trained staff will install your home, right where the customer wants it—no worries, no stress, no sweat!
Right from day one the customer will have a beautiful, reasonably-priced, low-prim home installed just right. What else could a customer want?
Well, I am glad that you asked. In my next post I will write about some of the things that can go wrong and why after-sales customer service is such an important part of the ABC home-buying experience.
Debbie Bulloch
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