Hello, my name is Debbie Bulloch and I am a sales representative for ABC Home Sales. Recently a friend asked me, “Why should anyone buy a home from ABC Home Sales?”
Without hesitation I responded, “Great customer service!”
There are many good reasons to buy a home from ABC Home Sales. We sell high-quality homes. We sell low-prim homes. We offer a large selection of homes for all budgets and land sizes. Those are all great reasons to buy a home from ABC Home Sales. But in my opinion, the fact that we offer great customer service is the BEST reason of all.
Right about now you may be saying to yourself: “Well, Debbie is a sales rep, what else is she going to say?” That is true, I am a proud sales representative for ABC Homes, but I did not start out as a sales rep. I began my association with ABC Homes as a customer, just like the readers of this blog.
Last August, right about the time ABC Homes Sales was created, I was born into SL. Maybe it was just a coincidence, maybe it was kismet, but ABC and I came in-world at about the same time. Like most noobs, I knew nothing about land ownership or homeownership. Fortunately I met a girl at Orientation Island who took me under her wing and showed me around. One thing led to the other and I finally ended up buying land.
It was a small parcel, but it was mine and I was very excited. Now I needed a home. My first choice, like most noobs, was to “buy” a freebie house. It was a cute little house, but it was very small and basic. Still, I was so excited that I had to show all my friends my new little house.
Eventually I saved enough money to buy my first “real.” I went to several stores, looked around and eventually found a house that seemed to fit my needs. I right-clicked on the sales board and putting down my hard-earned Lindens I flew away with what I thought would be my dream house. I was so excited that I could not wait to get to my land to rezz the house. My excitement, however, soon turned into aggravation and eventually into major disappointment.
For starters, the house looked all wrong on my land. Second, the house was glitchy, walls seemed to appear and disappear. Worst of all, the house did not fit my needs. I contacted the store owner and builder to ask him for help. What a disaster that was! The owner/builder was rude, he was not very helpful and, to make it worse, he took advantage of the fact that I was a very naïve noob (don’t worry, I have learned a lot since then). He did the repairs that I asked for, but he charged me an exorbitant amount of Lindens. In fact, after he made the repairs the house needed and I paid him for them, the house ended up costing me more than twice the original sales amount. Boy, oh boy did I feel stupid and cheated!

NEXT: My first experience with an ABC Home and why customer service is so important.
Debbie Bulloch
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