ABC started in august 2007 with a limited number of homes ( +/- 12 ).

Alex is a great builder of ABC. He designed nice homes like Las Vegas, New Yorker, New Hampshire and Californean.

Builder Jenny made a lovely 512sqm home like the Arizona. Later on, Jenny added Nevada 1024 sqm and Phoenix 512 sqm.The Odessa (2048 sqm, rec. for a 3072 sqm) was builded by Jenny as well

Builder yucca designed the very nice Yucca Japan home 512 sqm. Yucca added later other nice homes like Swiss Chalete and Celtic Manor.

Builder Aarushi added nice homes like Kaitlin, Catyna and Adventuria. At this moment, ABC home sales has almost 30 different high class low prim homes for sale.
Customer services is a very important value at ABC.
All homes are full mod and copy yes. All homes have tintable windows and a lock door system. Clients can easily mod the homes themselves (textures, add walls, remove walls, etc...) If desired, clients as well appeal to the services of ABC. Contact the sales people to meet a builder of ABC, who will be glad to modify the home as you wish for a very, very reasonable fee.
Mickey Geest
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