The Las Vegas model (for parcels of 4096 sq. meters or larger)
Howdy friends. Today I will continue with ABC’s ongoing series of articles highlighting one of our wonderful homes. This week’s featured home is the Las Vegas model and this is Part Two of the article.
In Part One of this article, I took you on a guided tour of the lower and middle levels of the spacious and very elegant Las Vegas model. Now I will take you on a tour of the rest of the home. If you are as impressed with the Las Vegas many outstanding features, as I was the first time I saw it, I am certain that you will immediately head down to ABC Homes and buy your own.
The upper level of the Las Vegas model features what many consider to be this home’s pièce de résistance -- the indoor pool and fully-scripted hot tub!

Mere photographs cannot fully convey the beauty and elegance of the Las Vegas indoor pool. Look at the beautiful marble floors! Look at the clear blue waters! Look at the panoramic glass ceiling! Now imagine yourself sitting by the pool’s edge, holding your honey in your arms,

toes dipped in the pool’s cool water, while looking at the night sky, full of stars. What could possibly be more enchanting? Well, I am so glad that you asked.
Take a look here. Off in a corner of the upper level pool area is the beautiful, fully scripted hot tub. Surrounded by the same detailed marble tiles;

the hot tub is a nice finishing touch to the pool area. Now take a closer look at the hot tub itself. At the touch of a button (well three buttons to be precise) the Las Vegas’ hot tub offers three, full preset settings.

Button 1: empty out all the water from the hot tub; Button 2: fill up the tub with fresh water and feel as the water jets surround you with a soothing massage; and Button 3: the water heats up causing clouds of steam to rise from the water. You and your sweetheart, sitting in the hot tub, surrounded by rising steam clouds, sipping expensive champagne: viva l’amour!
If your idea of entertainment involves large number of people (let’s be discreet here!) then the pool area in the Las Vegas home provides the perfect place to host a party for as few or as many of your friends as you like. Even in the dead of winter you can always enjoy your pool.

And if the weather is nice, then you can move your party to the outdoor terrace right outside the pool area. The terrace is the ideal place to hold an outdoor party. Place a few dance pose balls and soon your friends will be dancing the night away. A small bar (like the one you see in the picture) and a jukebox and you have the makings of a great time. Of course, if you prefer to be alone with your significant other, just bring out a couple of patio chairs, fill a thermos with your favorite drink (mojitos and daiquiris for me, please) and sit next to each other enjoying a beautiful sunset (or sunrise) brought to you by Second Life’s latest viewer.
The upper level of the ABC Homes Las Vegas model is not just for fun times.

I have my office, the very place where I write the articles that you read on the ABC Home Sales blog, on the upper level of my house. (That’s me sitting at my work table, please be sure to wave as you walk past!) The space now occupied by my office was previously taken up by the staircase’s landing. But because I had the staircase removed and TPs installed instead, I was able to use the free space for my personal office. I like looking out to the pool area (to keep an eye on my friends as they play Marco Polo) so I kept the glass wall and open entrance. If you purchase Ver. 2, the space where my office is located has been turned into a second bedroom, perfect for the growing family. Whichever model you chose, however, you will end up with a beautiful home that will fulfill your dreams of homeownership in SL.
After a long day of selling houses, writing articles and frolicking in the pool with friends, it is time to retire for the night.

The Las Vegas’ master bedroom, located high on a corner of the home, offers complete privacy. As you can see from these photographs, the master bedroom is huge. Here you will have room for that king-sized bed, complete with pose balls to satisfy all of your nighttime desires (Hmmmmm!!!). There are two huge windows to let in the outside lights. Of course, with the separate tinter system I had installed in my house, I can “close” the bedroom windows, while home’s other windows remain wide open.

Next to the bedroom is the master bathroom. The picture does not give you a complete idea of how spacious the bathroom is (I need to buy a new, wide-angle lens). You will just have to look for yourself when you visit the ABC Home Sales store. If you do not want to use this space for a bathroom (do SL avatars really need a bathroom?) you can turn this room into anything you like. You may even want to use the additional space to set up a nursery for that new bambino or bambina. ABC Home Sales is the place where all of your dreams may come true.

Well, I must now say goodnight. As you leave out the front door, please take a moment and swing on the old tire hanging from the pink kissing tree. And if you are fortunate enough to have a boyfriend, or a girlfriend, or even a furryfriend in your life, pause for a minute or two, and give him, her or it a long, passionate kiss. Second Life is the place to come, make new friends and pass the time in their company. ABC Home Sales is the place to make your SL dreams come true.

Ciao y’all! (Yes, they do have cowboys in Italy, remember all those Clint Eastwood movies!)
Good night.
Debbie Bulloch
Debbie, you are a great saleswoman and a fine writer. Will you marry me? I am better looking than clint and a heck of a lot younger too! Arrivederci donna bella
Sorry Knight, I'm already taken. But please keep buying homes from ABC and please stay tuned for new and exciting developments at ABC Home Sales. Remember, at ABC Home Sales we can make YOUR dreams come true.
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