Welcome to the first of my occasional posts on land in SL, what it is, and how you deal with it. I'm KT and I'll be telling you off and on about SL land, from the basics to as complicated as I can get. I don't work for ABC, but I recommend their homes on all the land I sell (shameless self promotion), due to their fantastic quality and great customer service. So lets look at land........
Land can be divided into 2 types (actually many types, but we're starting simple remember) - mainland and islands. Mainland is controlled by Linden Labs themselves whilst islands are controlled by the people that buy them. For now lets look at mainland.
Unlike real life, where they're not making any more of it, Linden Labs occasionally make and release new mainland to the market. Any new mainland released is bought direct from Linden Labs and they set the terms and conditions of the land - you have some control over what you can do there (media, ban people, raise and lower it a bit) but you're pretty fixed. It does sell in small sections often (land is generally divided and sold in units of 512m2 - so 512, 1024, 1536, 2048m2 etc), so can be cheap to buy for a first land buyer. At the time of writing, I reckon 5000 - 6000L is a good price for 512m2, but as anything, you'll find bargains and 'overly optimistic' people, so look around. You need to have a premium account to buy mainland, but the first 512m2 you buy doesn't attract any maintenance fees, or tier, so saving that stipend you get with a premium account and not buying clothes (nooooooooooooo!!!) would see you into your first section reasonably quickly.
Thats it for now. Next time I'll look at islands and explain tier a bit more. I you have any comments, questions, or disagreements, feel free to email me at ktsyakumi@gmail.com, or send me an IM in world.
See you next time!
1 comment:
KT--Welcome! Thank you for your post. Buying land in SL can be confusing for newbies and old timers alike. Gracias.
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